Daksinamurti Stotra with Manasollasa
₹ 145.00
Product Details
In the Indian hymnal literature, the stotras of Sri Shankaracharya occupy a unique place. They are charmingly simple, and yet, simply charming. The panegyrical material of the hymns often alternates with the moral principles or spiritual values.
In a few rare hymns, Sri Shankaracharya has introduced masterly condensations of the doctrines of Advaita Vedànta. And, Dakshinamurti Stotra is a masterpiece among them, combining in itself poetical elegance as well as metaphysical brilliance. Sureshvara has written a varttika on this stotra called Manasollasa, ‘that which exhilarates the mind’.
In this book, Revered Swami Harshananda Maharaj, a senior scholar-monk of the Ramakrishna Order, has translated into English this Dakshinamurti Stotra and Manasollasa, with lucid annotations.