Days In An Indian Monastery
Uniquely lucid and simple, this book would engross the reader with interesting narratives of the sacred spiritual circle of the early Ramakrishna Order. Authored by Sister Devamata, one of the first Western followers of Swami Vivekananda who travelled through India, the book contains her memoirs replete with the spontaneous and profound comments of the great personalities of the early Ramakrishna Movement, whose presence she avidly absorbed. She had spent most of her time at the Ramakrishna monastery in Madras (now Chennai) with Swami Ramakrishnananda. Her deep reverence for Swami Ramakrishnananda is reflected in her insightful narration of him.
She has chronicled the religious life of India, partaking of it all with a keen eye and an appreciative and sensitive heart. In twenty chapters she studies and presents some of the Hindu festivals and their significance, the education systems of the past and the present, Indian theatre and music, the caste system, and even about what catches the attention of an Indian homemaker!
This book is not only unique in depicting elevating glimpses of Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Brahmananda and Swami Ramakrishnananda but also in humorous descriptive writing leaving a lasting, wholesome impression in the reader’s mind.