Devi Mahatmyam
Devi-mahatmyam or Durga-saptasati, also popularly known as Candi, is one of the sacred texts chanted during the worship of the Divine Mother. The text is divided into 13 chapters and consists of 700 mantras and hence it is called the Saptasati. The Divine Mother has been depicted as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasarasvati.
A lucid English translation by Swami Jagadiswarananda accompanies the Sanskrit text. The translation in this book is literal as far as possible.
For the sake of recitation, Dhyana-slokas, Argala-stotra, Kilaka-stotra and Devi-kavacha at the end and Aparadha-kshamapana-stotra and Devi-suktam at the end have been added in the book.