Glimpses of Excellence - In Ancient India
Even just by flipping through the pages of this book one can get a feel of the rich Indian heritage since the dawn of Vedic civilisation. This book is a virtual and visual treat for Indophiles the world over. It also showcases for the lay reader India’s glorious achievements in all walks of life. Packed in a compact volume are the invaluable and well-researched information broadly on arts, food and nourishment, health and well-being, sports and past-times, literature, ethics of statecraft and the sciences that thrived in this great civilization of the world. The main text of the book is embellished by a short introduction and four appendices.
The author of this book, Dr Suruchi Pande, is an eminent scholar with two PhDs in Philosophy and Ethno-Ornithology. She has authored more than 30 books and is the recipient of several awards. She has won the ‘Award for Excellence in Literature’ from the Government of Maharashtra for her book promoting conservation awareness among children.