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Go Forward Volume - 1

Go Forward Volume - 1

₹ 70.00
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Satchidananda Dhar
Satchidananda Dhar Kolkata
BK 0001369
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Go Forward - Letters of Swami Premeshananda - Volume 1

Go Forward is a collection of letters and notes written by Swami Premeshananda (1884 - 1967) a highly respected monk of the Ramakrishna Order and disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.

Sri Ramakrishna's monastic disciples have manifested the ideal of service as taught by their Master and Swami Vivekananda in their own lives and have kept is flowing in a steady stream by passing it along successive generation of monks. We find a special manifestation of this same ideal of Sri Ramakrishna in the life of Swami Premeshanandaji an initiated disciple of the Holy Mother and the recipient of her extraordinary grace. His life is a glowing example of the transmission of spiritual truth from guru to disciple.

Sri Indradayal Battacharya (Later Swami Premeshananda) was inspired by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna from his early boyhood and dedicated himself to spreading his great message among all strata of society particularly among the young. Whoever came into contact with his simple pure sweet and loving personality overflowing with spirituality was blessed whether knowingly or unknowingly with the inspiration to lead a high and noble life dedicated to the service of mankind. His influence can be seen in the lives of each and every one of those whose letters are included in this collection. This exchange of letters was one of the special vehicles of his teaching.
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