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Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit
Hinduism - Its meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit

Hinduism Its Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit (English) (Paperback)

₹ 100.00

* This book is for sale in India, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa and Sri Lanka only

Swami Nikhilananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0000621
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* Export of this book to countries other than Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa, and Sri Lanka is expressly Prohibited. Although the published literature relating to the Hindu philosophy is vast, this book deals with the Hindu faith from a practical religious point of view. Containing the reflections of Swami Nikhilananda, an eminent monk of the Ramakrishna Order and one who had all along been in active service in the field of Hindu Religion both in India and abroad, this book can serve as a handbook on Hindu religion to those who wish to take to an integrated study of the ancient faith.
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