Indian Philosophical Systems
₹ 120.00
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Philosophy in India is not a product of speculation but of experience direct and personal. A true philosopher is he whose life and behaviour bear testimony to the truths he preaches. Every system of philosophy in India is a quest for Truth which is one and the same always and everywhere. The modes of approach differ, logic varies, but the purpose remains the same-trying to reach that Truth. All philosophical systems in India have a sort of family resemblance in that all indian philosophical systems are spiritual in nature and therein lies their basic unity. Philosophical discussions are considered worthwhile to the extent they evoke an urge in us to reach that goal. The basic unity of the different systems of Indian philosophy was discussed at a seminar held at the Institute on3 February 1990. The seminar was attended by over one hundred distinguised scholars from differentuniversities. The papers read at this seminar are reproduced in this book.