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Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha
Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha

Insights Into Vedanta - Tattva Bodha

₹ 230.00
Swami Sunirmalananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0000472
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Product Details

This book is an English translation and exposition of Tattvabodha, an introductory Sanskrit work by Shankaracharya on Advaita Vedanta in question-answer form. Tattvabodha is as much for advanced students of Vedanta as it is a useful guide for beginners. The present translation has a refreshingly original approach, keeping the beginner’s needs in mind. The book begins with an informative introduction to Advaita Vedanta and Tattvabodha.

To facilitate systematic exposition and easy comprehension, the translator has divided the text into fifty-three chapters based on different topics. Every chapter begins with a detailed introduction. Each verse or text has its transliteration and translation, followed by a word-by-word exposition and detailed discussion. Important points are recapitulated at the end of the chapter, followed by a suggested-reading list and references.

The author of the book, Swami Sunirmalananda, is a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order. He served as editor of Prabuddha Bharata, an English monthly of the Ramakrishna Order.

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