Jivan Mukti Viveka
Swami Vidyaranya is a master compiler of auxiliary texts of Sanatana Dharma. A co-founder of the Vijayanagara Empire, he devoted his life to collating established concepts of Sanatana Dharma in general and Advaita Vedanta in particular. After taking the vows of renunciation, he wrote the present work, a compilation, which shows the path to Self-realization and consequent attainment of the state of jivanmukti, liberation-in-life.
The present book is an English rendering of Swami Harshananda’s Kannada translation of the Jivanmukti Viveka. A senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order and a scholar and author of repute, Swami Harshananda is currently the president of Ramakrishna Math, Bengaluru. The English translation is by Dr H Ramachandra Swamy, a philosopher in his own right.
This book will definitely intensify the spirit of renunciation in those who have already taken to spiritual life and will inspire the uninitiated to plunge into spiritual practices. It will be a useful guide for spiritual aspirants and a ready reference for students of Indian philosophy.