Katha Upanishad - Translated By Swami Lokeswarananda
₹ 100.00
Product Details
The Katha Upanishad is found in the Taittiriya section of the Krishna Yajur Veda. It stands in a class by itself. It combines charming poetry elevating mysticism and profound philosophy. It teaches Self-Knowledge through a story that centers on a dialogue between Yama the presiding deity of death and Nachiketa an intelligent brahmin lad. The long dialogue between the two covers the whole field of philosophy concerning the nature of the Self. Yama pointed out that the Self was without birth and death both. It was immortal. This volume is a simple translation of the Upanishad with explanation and includes an introduction. It follows Shankara's interpretation. This compilation is based on Swami Lokeswarananda's weekly discourses on the Upanishad. The Katha Upanishad is very comprehensive which is why it is also very popular.