Kathopanishadam - By Swami Vivekananda (Tamil)
₹ 75.00
Product Details
Publishing Date: Jan 2012 Kathopanishadam or Katha Upanishadam: this text is unique among other Upanishads published from our Math as it is expounded by Swami Vivekananda. This book is a collection of various speeches/talks given by Swami Vivekananda at various times on Katha Upanishad. It has each sloka of the Upanishad in Sanskrit followed by Tamil transliteration of the sloka and then the Tamil translation of Swamiji's exposition/explanation of it. In Kathopanishadam Lord Yama answers questions like life after death where one goes after death posed by Nachiketa. Swami Vivekananda liked this Upanishad so much that he used to advice his disciples to memorize it and study it faithfully and imbibe the purity shraddha and determination of Nachiketa. Swamiji tells that the character of Nachiketa should be imbibed by everyone so that we can grow morally intellectually and spiritually and develop what he calledManliness and wade towards the final beatitude of Life.