Reincarnation (Deluxe)
₹ 80.00
Product Details
What a leading journal says on ?Reincarnation?: ?In these discourses Swami Abhedananda considers the questions of evolution and resurrection in their dearing upon the ancient teaching of rebirth, its truth, logic and justice, which are rapidly permeating the thoughts of the Western world. For the preservation of this doctrine mankind is indebted to the literary storehouses of India, the racial and geographical sources of much of the vital knowledge of Occidental peoples. Reincarnation is shown in the present volume to be a universal solvent of life?s mysteries. It answers those questions of children that have staggered the wisest minds who seek to reconcile the law of evolution and the existence of an intelligent and just Creator, with the proposition that man has but a single lifetime in which to develop spiritual self-consciousness. It is commended to every thinker?. This book contains illuminating lectures on reincarnation, transmigration, resurrection, evolution, heredity etc. The great mystic Saint-philosopher Swami Abhedananda has raised various critical problems and given satisfactory, rational and scientific solution of them. The thoughts and ideas underlying nad impregnated in them are very deep and penetrating. He maintains throughout all his lectures the Vedantic non-dualist viewpoint and the great Indian spirit.