Saints and Mystics
This handy book is a bouquet of the condensed life stories and teachings of 14 saints and mystics drawn from different ages, regions and faiths. They are the true citizens of the world, physical and spiritual. Though they may speak in different tongues they elucidate only the same truth. Their lives beautifully illustrate the dictum ‘Truth is one, though the sages speak of it variously.’
The selection of immortals in the book is only a sample of the innumerable of those who have lived down the centuries and the articles are introductory in nature. Many of the articles have been authored by the monks of the Ramakrishna Order, including one by Swami Vivekananda. These articles first were published in the 1989 annual issue of The Vedanta Kesari, a month of the Ramakrishna Math.
The articles in the book give much-needed inspiration to all earnest aspirants and will inspire readers all over the world to take up more detailed studies of these great lives.