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Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India
Spiritual Heritage of India

Spiritual Heritage of India

₹ 150.00

* This book is for sale in India only and cannot be exported to other countries

Swami Prabhavananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0000685
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*This book is for sale in India only and cannot be exported. The Spiritual Heritage of India is a brief history of the philosophy of a country that has never distinguished philosophy from religion. The account extends from centuries of which there is no historical record to the recent Sri Ramakrishna revival of the ancient Vedanta. This book brings together in one volume the spiritual magnificence of the sacred books such as the Vedas the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita three ancient Indian scriptures which are the foundation of the Hindu spiritual heritage. This book is aslo both an excellent introduction for readers who are coming to the subject for the first time and a series of meditations for those who already know it well. The author has ably entered into these ancient Indian treasure-houses of spirituality and offer their ancient wisdom to the modern spiritual seeker.
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