Sri Ramakrishna And His Gospel (Vol 3) (English) (Deluxe)
₹ 200.00
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For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, especially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions, and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in a seven-volume Bengali work, 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga'. The present work is an English translation of the first three volumes of the original Bengali book.