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Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him

Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him (English) (Deluxe)

₹ 300.00
Swami Atmashraddhananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0000451
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Product Details
Swami Brahmananda, regarded as the spiritual son by Sri Ramakrishna, was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna Order. This book is a compilation of the personal accounts of monastic and lay members who intimately knew Swami Brahmananda and had many occasions to closely observe his daily life and day-to-day dealings. These reminiscences record the charm of his unassuming personality, the silent influence of his deep spirituality, his practical hints for living a spiritual life, and his keen sense of humour and insights into human mind. An unpublished letter and a couple of speeches of Swami Brahmananda and some remarkable articles on his life and precepts are included in this book. The impressive volume is interspersed with valuable illustrations. This book will be of immense help and inspiration to all spiritual seekers.
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