Swami Ramakrishnananda - His Life and Legacy (Highly Subsidized Edition)
₹ 10.00
Compilation Language
English Publisher
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Binding
Paperback Pages
198 ISBN
9788178234878 SKU
BK 0000427 Weight (In Kgs)
0.1 Product Details
This handy volume presents a concise biographical sketch, carefully chosen reminiscences, and selected teachings of Swami Ramakrishnananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Ramakrishnananda, popularly known as Shashi Maharaj, worked tirelessly to spread the message of his Master and the ideal of renunciation and service in different parts of the southern India. His unparalleled devotion to his Guru, pure life, saintly personality, and love and concern for others are depicted in this book. The book will benefit the general readers who wish to acquaint themselves with his life and teachings.