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Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him
Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him

Swami Tapasyananda As We Knew Him

₹ 150.00
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0001966
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This book provides interesting and illuminating insights into the life and personality of Revered Tapasyananda Maharaj, a former Vice-President of the Ramakrishna Order, through the biographical sketches and the reminiscences of both monastics and lay.

The book is divided into three sections. Section I deals with biographical aspects of Revered Tapasyananda Maharaj, letters of Swamis Brahmananda, Shivananda, Saradananda, Nirmalananda, and Vireswarananda to either Revered Tapasyananda Maharaj’s mother or to his brother, and letters of Revered Tapasyananda Maharaj to his own family. Sections II and III contain the reminiscences of Revered Tapasyananda Maharaj by monastic and lay respectively.


The distinguishing feature of the reminiscences is that they come from a wide spectrum—monastics who either lived with Revered Maharaj or were closely associated with him and devotees from all walks of life, from learned professors to workers and flower vendors, from intimate disciples and devotees to professionals who met him occasionally—providing a kaleidoscope of myriad perceptions these people had about Revered Maharaj.


The appendix section includes Swami Tapasyananda’s reminiscences of Swami Shivananda, his visit to Ramana Maharishi, and Swami Tapasyananda’s message during his departure from Trivandram to Madras

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