The Bhagavad Gita - (By Swami Chidbhavananda) (English) (Deluxe)
₹ 300.00
Product Details
This is a large heavy book with everything you could need for studying the Bhagavad Gita. For Sanskrit students, this book is popular since it includes Devanagri text, transliterated Sanskrit, comprehensive breakdown of compound words, word-by-word meanings, English translation, and commentary from Sri Ramakrishna's teachings. The publishers in India have kept this book very inexpensive for many years, but note that the production quality, though good, is not the same as books from the west. Some of the books have covers with a wrinkle d lamination, or the cover may be a little bent. Nonetheless, the books are well worth inclusion in the libraries of students of Sanskrit and the Bhagavad Gita.