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The Inspired Life of Sarah Ellen Waldo
The Inspired Life of Sarah Ellen Waldo
The Inspired Life of Sarah Ellen Waldo
The Inspired Life of Sarah Ellen Waldo

The Inspired Life of Sarah Ellen Waldo (English) (Deluxe)

₹ 250.00
Amrita M. Salm, Judy Howe Hayes
Advaita Ashrama Kolkata
BK 0002746
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Product Details
After his epochal speeches at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago in 1893, Swami Vivekananda spent more than three years in the United States and Europe sowing the seeds of Vedanta through illuminating his talks. These talks have come down to us through Sarah Ellen Waldo and J. J. Goodwin.

Ellen, as Sarah Ellen Waldo was known by Swami Vivekananda became his staunch follower after she attended his talks. Swami Vivekananda initiated her into Brahmacharya with the name Sister Haridasi. A dedicated and intelligent woman in whom Swami Vivekananda reposed great faith, she was the transcriber of the Inspired Talks of Swami Vivekananda, as well as the editor of most of his talks, including Raja Yoga, a seminal work that has become a textbook for the students of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Apart from these works, she has contributed numerous articles on Vedanta on the lines of Vivekananda. She was the first Western woman requested by Swami Vivekananda to teach Vedanta in America.

For this reason, this book on Sarah Ellen Waldo’s life and her contributions is a valuable addition to the existing literature dealing with the history of the Vedanta movement in the West.
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