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The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga
The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga

The Spiritual Quest and The Way of Yoga

₹ 200.00

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Swami Adiswarananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0000042
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This book tells us that when man’s deep understanding that the sensual world of conflicting emotions is inadequate and unfulfilling, his spiritual quest begins by looking for a lasting solution within. He next learns about the challenges on the way and how he should prepare himself. Thereafter, he sees the signs of his progress and gets satisfactory answers to his perturbing questions.

Though this book of 12 chapters talks about a serious subject, its easy-to-grasp, free-flowing language makes it an interesting read.

Swami Adiswarananda, the author, was the leader of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre of New York from 1973 to 2007. A deep thinker and forceful speaker, he has written a number of books focusing on Yoga and Vedanta.

The book will cater to and benefit both first-timers wishing to take the spiritual path and those who are already on the path.

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