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The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna

The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna

₹ 60.00

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Swami Bhaskarananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
BK 0001153
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Product Details
This book is an English translation of Sri Sri Ramakrishna-Mahima , the original work written in Bengali by Akshay Kumar Sen, a lay disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the author of the popular work Sri Sri Ramakrishna Punthi . In this book, Sri Sri Ramakrishna-Mahima , which is set in prose style, the author presents Sri Ramakrishna as the Divine Incarnation of this age. The book contains many authentic anecdotes about Sri Ramakrishna and also his teachings, some of which are not found elsewhere. 

The book is translated into English by Swami Bhaskarananda, the head of the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, Seattle, USA. The readers will find in this book a treasure trove of practical spirituality and purity that Sri Ramakrishna embodied.
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