Tripurasundari Ashtakam
₹ 10.00
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Among the several names of the goddess Parvaty one of the very important is Tripurasundari. This means the prettiest woman of the three worlds. It is also possible that she is called Tripurasundari because she is the consort of Lord Shiva who is called Tripura because he contains within himself all the three forms of Brahma Vishnu and Shiva. This book short and sweet in a mellifluous metre contains as if in a nutshell the entire philisophy of Sakti worship. This is ably brought out in this little book by Sri S. Kameswar of Bombay as a result of his deep study and meditation. The full significance of the name Tripura Sundari is explained in his introduction. Each Sloka is given in the original Sanskrit followed by a running translation in beautiful verse and explanatory notes on important points.