Upadesa Sahasri
Sri Shankaracharya’s Upadesa Sahasri in two parts, prose and poetry, succinctly sets forth the Vedantic point of view, both metaphysical and practical, the emphasis being on the latter aspect. When carefully followed, the text can give a spiritual impetus and at the same time purify and ennoble the intellect.
Swami Jagadananda, a disciple of Sri Sarada Devi, who is noted for his firm grasp of Sri Shankaracharya’s philosophy, has translated this valuable text into English faithfully and lucidly.
This book contains the Sanskrit texts followed by English renderings and explanatory footnotes, which are based on Ramatirtha’s glossary. References to the Upanishads, the Vedanta Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita have been carefully traced. An index to the verses, appended at the end, has heightened the usefulness of the book.