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Vedic Prayers

Vedic Prayers

₹ 60.00
Swami Sambuddhananda
Ramakrishna Math Mumbai
BK 0001435
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Product Details
Publishing Date: Year 1938 Edition: Fifth in May 2005 This book contains Vedic Mantras selected from the four Vedas particularly from the parts containing the Upanishads. The Mantras (prayers) are in Devanagari script (Sanskrit) with word-for-word translation English rendering and helpful footnotes. ?The principal Upanishads on which Shankaracharya wrote his commentaries do contain many beautiful prayers; most of them have been included here; besides some mantras which have the character of prayers have also been added to them. The book will it is expected indicate to some extent the harmony and the grandeur of the Vedic utterances. Of all kinds of prayer in the Hindu Scriptures none are so attractive and impressive as the prayers in the Vedas; they have a direct appeal to the heart. In thought and sentiment style and diction no other prayers are so original as these Vedic prayers. It will be admitted by all that the prayers to be found in the Puranas and Tantras are but echoes of the Vedic hymns and prayers?.? ?Vedic prayers purify body and mind. With divine inspiration the aspirant will be blessed with spiritual illumination attaining real peace and happiness.Vedic prayers will have a great influence in spiritual life and it will be the source of inspiration for spiritual awakening.
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